This website belongs to the company GENERACIÓN NATURA SLU.
Its current activity is the annual MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL as well as the promotion, encouragement and production of other audiovisual manifestations.
MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL aims to unite education and cinema through content that can be used by students and teachers in class.
Company information
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the identifying data of the company are the following:
Company name: GENERACION NATURA SLU. Cif: B86550969. Registered Office: C/Homero 34, 28220 Majadahonda, Madrid. Telephone: +34 916394133. Email address:
Intelectual property
The intellectual property rights of the Website www.mecfilmfestival its source code, texts, graphic designs, images (except those provided by third parties), photographs, animations, sounds, navigation structure, databases, as well as the different contents, are owned by GENERACIÓN NATURA SLU and are protected by Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights. Any reproduction, whole or partial, distribution, commercialization or transformation of the contents that have not been expressly authorized constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights protected by Law.
GENERACIÓN NATURA SLU may exercise all administrative, civil and criminal actions that corresponds in case of infringement or breach by the user of these rights.
Protected rights
All the brands, logos, anagrams, products and activities of the FESTIVAL are protected by the laws contained in the laws of industrial and intellectual property, trademarks and advertising, as well as by international treaties that regulate such matters and, especially, the Copyright. This legal protection extends to the sale of tickets, which the FESTIVAL markets on an exclusive basis and whose resale, marketing and/or distribution by unauthorized third parties is expressly prohibited in any way and/or by any means, including, but not limited to, gifts in promotional sales, fundraising campaigns, raffles or commercial promotions of any kind. The FESTIVAL reserves the right to take legal action against persons or entities that violate this prohibition, in defense of their rights and public image.
Registration to the website and users
The website has been developed with the aim of providing information and documentation related to the company and all the activities organized by it, facilitating participation, monitoring activities, giving access to the services it offers and allowing carrying out the procedures related to them.
After registration on the person becomes a user of the website, which allows use of the material that appears on this website for personal and private use only, banning its use for commercial purposes, except prior written permission. The access and use of all the information, data and contents of the Website will be carried out under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the User, committing themself to good use of the services and contents, which can never be used for illegal activities. The User accepts each and every one of the conditions of use specified here.
GENERACIÓN NATURA SLU reserves the right to modify, expand, delete part of the content, configuration, presentation, specifications and services unilaterally and without prior notice to the User. Likewise, it reserves the right to modify these conditions of use, as well as any other conditions contained in the website
GENERACIÓN NATURA SLU does not guarantee the absence of errors in accessing the website, in its content, or that it will be adequately updated, although it will use its best efforts to avoid, correct or update them.
Service offered by the website may be conditioned to the prior registration of the User by completing the Registration Form.
When providing, collecting and processing personal data to be able to access any of the services Personal Data Protection Law will be applied.
Users are responsible for protecting his username and access code (password) against unauthorized use. Any use of the website using your username and password will be your responsibility. In the event that you notice any unauthorized use or disclosure of your username and password, please notify us immediately at
Applicable law and jurisdiction
In the event that any discrepancy or controversy occurs due to the interpretation or application of these conditions or with the use of the website, GENERACIÓN NATURA SLU and the User agree, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, to undergo the jurisdiction necessary of the Courts and Tribunals at the address of the company GENERACIÓN NATURA SLU.