1.- MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL (SECOND EDITION) is an online film festival that aims to promote education in students through audiovisual works created by themselves. The contents of the films will focus on educational content that teachers teach in classes, as well as content that helps the social inclusion of people with disabilities, being able to create a fiction, documentary, informative, animation film, and any other format. to tell it. The films can be made anywhere in the world.
2. – It is created and organized by GENERACIÓN NATURA SLU.
3.- This SECOND EDITION of MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL (mecfilmfestival.com) will be held from September 1, 2023, the date on which film submissions begin, to June 30, 2024 with the closing of film uploads to the Official platform of the Festival and the subsequent awards ceremony. And it will have the following categories:
The MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL will have the following sections:
1. Films made by Early Childhood and Primary Education students and teachers.
2. Films made by students and teachers of Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training up to Intermediate Grade.
3. Films made by students and teachers of University and Higher Level Vocational Training.
4. We will have a specific award for films that focus on content: Inclusion and Social Education, whose theme is content that serves for the inclusion of disabled people in society and, in relation to Social Education, those contents that serve for the development of sociability at all levels, school, family, collective… avoiding social exclusion and marginalization. For this award and the submission of the films, in addition to the Educational Centers, teachers and students of legal age from any center, Occupational Disability Centers, foundations or any educational organization that helps people may be part of the Madrid EducaCiencia Film Festival. disabled. The perpetrators may also be disabled adults.
5. We will also have an Award for the Most Voted Film by the public on the Official Festival platform MECFILMFESTIVAL.COM
All films will have a duration from 0 to 15 minutes.
All Categories will have as themes for their films: Technology, Robotics, Biology, Geology, Astronomy and Space, Physics and Chemistry, Culture and Humanities, in addition to the theme “Inclusion and Social Education”.
Educational Centers, Universities, students and teachers must choose the theme of their films focusing on these thematic contents. The same Educational Center, University, Disability Occupational Center, students and teachers may present up to two films per Center.
When choosing the films, we will assess their educational value, their quality and originality when it comes to staging, and their way of telling it. In the topic “Inclusion and Social Education”, we will value the above, and we will also add the importance and quality of the message from a Social point of view, its value as a message of inclusion, integration and common good. The Festival believes that development and social equality come from Education and we want that principle to be reflected in the films of this thematic content.
The festival reserves the right to create new sections and content that improves the Festival, always related to the philosophy of our Festival: films with a pedagogical nature.
Our Jury will be made up of professionals from the academic, scientific, cultural and social world.
Films may be shot in any audiovisual format (Video or Film) and device: video cameras, film cameras, tablets or mobile phones.
4.- The films will be sent by the Educational Centers, teachers and students of legal age on a personal basis, as end-of-course work, in Center workshops, or as a personal contribution to the educational world and Inclusion and Social Education related to philosophy. of the Festival.
The content of the films will help other students, teachers and Centers to understand and learn the academic content that the film addresses, in addition to expanding knowledge and taking advantage of it in their classes within their educational subjects.
5.- The films will be supervised by teachers or monitors, and the official submission of each film will be from each Educational Center, University, Occupational Center, teachers and students of legal age. Each of the above may present up to a maximum of 2 films, either in the same category or in a different category.
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Resultado de traducción
6.- The Festival team will do a first viewing and selection of the material to see if it has the appropriate characteristics to be part of it. The result of said selection will be informed to the contact person indicated in the registration form, in addition to being published on the official festival website www.mecfilmfestival.com
Films must be registered in one of the Festival Sections and within one of the specified contents, truthfully completing all the sections necessary for registration. Incorrect registration or false information may lead to disqualification.
7.- Every registered film must comply with the following standards:
— The film registration and submission date begins SEPTEMBER 1, 2023.
— The deadline for registration and submission of the film will end at 11:59 p.m. (Central European time zone CET (UTC+1) on JUNE 30, 2024.
• Registration will be done online through the MECFILMFESTIVAL.COM platform, completing all its mandatory sections.
• On this platform, an account will be created and the video file will be uploaded. Those participants who, due to connection problems, have difficulty registering online, may request their participation in the Festival through the following email address: info@mecfilmfestival.com
8.- The films will come in their official language. If they are films with a language other than Spanish, a copy will be sent with subtitles in Spanish or English. Additionally, they will send a file in doc format with subtitles in Spanish.
9.- For its dissemination, it is important that you send three photographs of the film and an mp4 trailer of up to 50 seconds in length.
10.- Participants authorize the Festival organization to use fragments of the selected works for dissemination in any media in order to promote the Festival. Likewise, the Festival may use photographs of the films, in the press and other media, as well as for the preparation of the Festival catalogue.
11.- The files will be sent through the specific server that the festival will make available to educational centers. For any problem with uploading the material on the platform, you will contact the Festival by email: info@mecfilmfestival.com
12.- The selected films must be presented in mp4 digital format or any video format. With a maximum size of 100MB per movie.
13.- If the Festival needs to project the films in cinemas for the dissemination or events of the Festival itself, the selected films may be recoded into other formats for projection in said cinemas, and subtitles may be added, in English or Spanish.
14.- As this is an educational dissemination project, the Festival will not pay any amount to the authors or those responsible for the selected works for their exhibition within the festival platform, for the trailers on social networks or for their exhibition. in the projection rooms within the MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL.
15. It will be mandatory to transfer a free copy of the film to MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL so that it can be exhibited on its online platform indefinitely and permanently. The films selected in each edition will become part of the Madrid Educaciencia Film Festival archive permanently on its platform www.mecfilmfestival.com for consultation by the public for educational purposes, and thus show the world the teachings that are taught. in the movies.
16.- Any work that violates the rights of people, their dignity, does not respect animals or the environment, that promotes violence in all its areas, that discriminates against people based on their sex, religion, political tendency, will be rejected. its origin or any other.
17.- Participation in the Festival implies authorization to broadcast and promote fragments of the works presented on television, film and Internet channels, both national and international.
18.- The Educational Centers, teachers, students of legal age, or Occupational Centers for people with disabilities that send the films must be the authors of the works, and in the case of minors appearing in the image, they must have the relevant parental permissions so that minors can appear in the image, the Festival being exempt from any responsibility for not having said permissions. The Festival reserves the right to request such signatures from parents as verification.
The acceptance of these rules implies the transfer of exhibition rights to GENERACION NATURA SLU with CIF B86550969, as promoter of MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL SECOND EDICIÓN, so that it is part of its educational festival, it can be shown both in its events, networks social, film and television, such as being hosted on its platform www.mecfilmfestival.com for an unlimited time, so that students and teachers from other Educational Centers can access, watch the film and learn from the educational content described in it. As it is not the author of the film, Generación Natura is exempt from any responsibility for the intellectual rights of third parties. This transfer of exhibition rights to the Madrid Educaciencia Film Festival does not imply exclusivity, the authors of the film may exhibit said work by any means, or make use of the work as the authors wish.
19.- PHASE 1:
Once the film is uploaded to the MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL online platform (www.mecfilmfestival.com), the Festival team will verify that the film is correct, and it will be published so that the public can vote for it.
Voting by the public begins the moment the film is published on the Festival’s online platform.
The public voting dates will be from SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 to JUNE 30, 2024.
20.- PHASE 2:
As of JUNE 30, 2024, the deadline for submitting films for the Second Edition will close and the festival organizing team will be in charge of making a first selection of the films received.
21.- Subsequently, the Official Jury of the MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL, made up of outstanding professionals from different fields (cinema, art, science, education…), from among the preselected films, will decide the winners in each category. The vote by the Jury will take into account the public’s vote and their personal assessment for its decision.
Their decision will be final and the members of the jury undertake to keep their decisions confidential until after the official awards ceremony and closing of the Festival.
22.- The winners of the different categories will receive the official statuette of the Festival. In addition, the festival team is working to increase the prizes, either in cash or in material for educational centers or the film’s authors.
None of the prizes listed in the Contests may be awarded ex-æquo, nor may they be void, unless a category does not have any film entered.
23.- Participants will be responsible for not violating the rights of third parties linked to the making of the entered film. The music and tunes used in the works must be original or free of third-party intellectual rights.
If commercial music is used, authorization documents must be presented by the author and/or owner of the rights to the work. In case of non-presentation of said documents, by
legal reasons for reproduction the short film will not be accepted.
The use of fragments of commercial audiovisual works that do not have the corresponding rights to be used in the films presented to the Festival will not be permitted.
24.- All registration for the MADRID EDUCACIENCIA FILM FESTIVAL implies acceptance of these Regulations.
MADRID, September 1, 2023.